Saturday, July 23, 2011

What a Tease!

   Isn't it annoying when you look up and see a vision of loveliness, wordlessly promising something you are longing for, and then it turns out to be just a tease?
   Lately this has happened to me.  I would go out at lunchtime, just to stretch my legs and to get some fresh air, despite the heat (it seems to hit 100 by noon most of the time lately).  I'd look up into the sky and see lovely clouds, drifting about, holding cool moisture that we need so bad.  And some of them would drift in front of the sun, cooling things down ever so slightly before drifting on and leave me wanting more.

Clouds that tease!

Not many visitors in this heat, but at least it's shady

Above the blue bench, this tree provides welcome shade from the sun

   I'll put up with it, though.  This is what we get right now and there is nothing I can do to change it.
   But still, it would be nice if those teaser clouds would stay around a bit longer.

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