Thursday, July 28, 2011

How Big is a Trillion?

   I pondered this today, and what boggles me is how the U.S. deficit could get so big in the first place.  I mean, a million dollars is a huge amount of money.  If I had $1 million, I would live quite comfortably for the rest of my life, and probably have some money left to pass on to my descendants.
   If I had $1 billion, I would have way too much money and would have to give most of it away.  I imagine I could help a lot of people and still have more than enough for my descendants to live in comfort.
   But $1 trillion?  That is beyond ridiculous.  That, to me, is approaching "having all the money in the world."  How can we owe multi-trillions of dollars, and who do we owe it to?
   Here's what triggered my thinking about this huge debt crisis:  If some being with unlimited wealth gave me $1 billion told me to go out and spend $1 million a day and not come back until I'd spent it all, I'd be gone for less than three years.  If that same being gave me $1 trillion and told me to spend $1 million a day until it was gone, I would be gone for over 2700 years.
   I think a multi-trillion dollar deficit is beyond comprehension.  Maybe Congress and the President should focus on the here and now.  This whole money thing is ridiculous.  Printed on all our currency is "In God We Trust." 
   Doesn't anybody believe that any more?

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