Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Five Guilty Pleasures

   Ideas come from all directions.  Sometimes, though, I need a little help.  When I do, I usually start to research at random.  Some say I'm just goofing off on the Internet, which is probably true.  So here are my top Internet Guilty Pleasures, in no order of importance, because coolness can pop up at any time from any of these:
  • Swagbucks - I am often searching for things, and while Google, Bing, and Yahoo are all really good, I get rewarded for searching thru Swagbucks.  They also offer rewards for completing surveys, plying games, watching videos...oops!  Okay, I do goof off here.  But the search engine is pretty good.  I got the idea for this blog from the result of a search.
  • Facebook - I visit Facebook several times throughout the day.  I sometimes get ideas from things my friends have posted.  But my favorite thing about Facebook is that I've found a place where I've been reunited with friends I haven't seen since the 6th grade.  There is even a Facebook group now for those who graduated from my elementary school.  Oh, the memories we share!
  • Twitter - I was away from Twitter for awhile, but now I've comeback to it.  Based on who or what I'm following, I can often come up with some ideas to write about.  A guilty pleasure about this is that some of the celebrities I've followed have actually tweeted back.  Cool.
  • Lifehacker - Yeah, baby!  This inspires the MacGyver in me.  I might not write about what I find here, but it gets my creative juices flowing, that's for sure.  I recently built an air conditioner out of an old ice chest, a portable fan, and frozen ice packs.  I wrote about this one, and I found the instructions at Lifehacker.
  • eHow - I started visiting this sometime back.  I like to doodle, and I found some excellent instructional material here.  Since then, I found more interesting things here, and often it is presented in a funny manner.
   So here are my five (current) guilty Internet pleasures.  I'm sure your list may be different, and mine will probably change over time.

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