Monday, July 18, 2011

Recent Dream

   Most of my dreams are colorful and often funny.  Sometimes they are realistic in some alternate-dimension kind of way.  And occasionally I have a dream that I think about after I wake up, and it sticks with me.  The other night I had one of those dreams.
   I was sitting in my car with one of my dream friends - a person who exists in my dream world, but I don't know in waking life.  Anyway, we were talking about nothing really important when she asked, "If I could grant you a wish, what would it be?"
   Without a moment's hesitation, I replied, "I'd like to have a pickup truck with a leak-proof bed-liner.  And I'd want the bed filled with lime Jello.  Then I'd go and buy a bunch of spoons and drive around, sharing my Jello with everyone who wanted it."
   It all made sense in my dream world, because Jello would set up just fine in the back of a pickup, and it would stay clean and sanitary, no matter how many people scooped some out.
   I keep thinking about that dream and I still wonder what it meant.  Maybe it was one of my nonsense dreams, but I'm not so sure.  Maybe I want to have abundant good fortune and share it with others with others.  When I was a kid, lime green Jello was one of my favorite treats.  I associated it with happiness, warm family memories, and special times.
   What dreams keep you thinking?

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