Sunday, July 24, 2011

I Hear Thunder!

   I also hear the pitter patter of raindrops falling outside.  I hope some of it will soak into the ground before it evaporates.  It is more than welcome around here, and the temperature outside is still 109.  Maybe it will cool things down a bit.
   On the other hand, it may stay hot and this rain, however brief, may make it more humid out there.  I'm going to hope for the best, though.
   This evening I am going to see the final Harry Potter movie with my kids.  I'm not sure when I went to a movie theater last, but I'm looking forward to sitting in a cool theater, eating popcorn, and watching a movie with the kids.  My daughter, who got movie tickets for her birthday, chose to treat us to a movie.  I fully expected her to go with her friends, but I guess that, considering all that has happened over the past couple of years, she thought we all deserved a treat.
   Yes, the gift of rain is a wonderful thing right now.  But the gift of kindness endures forever.

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