Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Are You Being You?

   Silly question.  Or is it?  I've seen a lot of people who spend a lot of time and effort being not themselves.  They hide behind a façade of who they want others to believe them to be.  They buy into the latest fads and fashions because somebody tells them that by doing so, their lives will be better, or more glamorous, or more popular, or the envy of their neighbors, etc.
   I'm not saying that it's a bad thing to do.  Indeed, sometimes it is necessary to put up such a façade in order to achieve something really important.  From personal experience, when I was in college I would often wear some of my nicest clothes when going into take an exam.  Even though I was prepared for the test, wearing something nice helped me feel more confident.  And confidence paid off.  Especially when I had some professors who would throw some unexpected zingers into an exam.  Instead of panicking, I would remain calm and figure out just what it is the prof was looking for.
  Do I dress nicely all the time?  No.  I mean, I'm not a total slob.  But I am generally a laid-back kind of guy, and I feel most comfortable dressing in a laid-back manner.  If every day I tried to dress like I stepped out of the pages of GQ, I'd probably go nuts.  At the very least, I'd probably be so ridden with anxiety, my stress level would be off the charts.
   I prefer to be me.  Occasionally a sharp dresser, but more often a casual guy with unsophisticated tastes.  And in the long run, I think I'm a better me. 
   Am I the best me that I can be?  I'm still working on that.
   How about you?

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