Thursday, June 2, 2011

Why Fear It?

   Many people fear change, but that doesn't seem very rational to me.  We are constantly changing.  For instance, somewhere between high school and middle age, I managed to go from a 150 lb. skinny kid to a bulky 230 lb. adult a few years ago.  It didn't happen all at once.  It was gradual change, and the change continues as I move back toward a fit 170 lbs.
   Enough about me, though.  My point is that we are all constantly changing.  As beings with free will, each of us can affect how we change (to some extent) and how we adapt to change. 
   Like it or not, everybody is getting older.  Some choose to age gracefully, others choose to remain youthful at heart, and still others deny getting older and fight it as if it's a battle to be won.  Different people, different coping skills.  And kudos to whatever works best for you, as long as you are enjoying the outcome. 

   As much as we want things to stay as they are, or as they were, we're moving into the future, folks.  Enjoy the journey! 

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