Saturday, May 14, 2011

Do Me a Favor, Will You?

    I would like for you to do something simple for me.  For the next, let's say... 10 days, I want you to drink a glass of water first thing in the morning, when you get up.  And then, 10 days from now, tell me if you feel better, worse, or neither after you started doing this.
    Pretty simple request, huh?  You've probably heard that drinking more water is good for you, and I happen to agree with that.  But I'm curious if just having one glass of water the first thing in the morning, is enough to make a difference in how you feel.  I know what it has done for me, and I'll post my results in the future.
    One other thing, if water is too harsh, try adding some lemon juice to it.  You might be thinking, "Too harsh?!"  But plain water sometimes doesn't agree with people.  It's also kinda boring.  When I was a kid, my favorite aunt said that she drank lemon juice instead of coffee in the morning.  I thought she meant lemonade, but she said that she put lemon juice, and nothing else, in a glass of water first thing in the morning.  I thought that was crazy, but I tried it and guess what?  It's sour!!  Not only that, I think the shock to the system did seem to wake me up more than plain water.  And it worked a lot faster than waiting for the caffeine to kick in from a cup of coffee.
     But I digress.  My request is for you to drink a glass of water, at least 8 oz., when you first get up.  Lemon juice is optional, LOL.  And in a week or so, please let me know how it is, or isn't, helping you.  Message me on Facebook, or leave a comment on this blog (bookmark it so you'll remember), email me, or tell me in person if see me around town.
    Until next time, BE AWESOME!!!!

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