Monday, November 18, 2013

Something to Add to My To Don't List

I learned a couple of things today.

I enjoy donating blood at blood drives. I also like to joke around. I found that there is at least one time when I shouldn't joke at a blood drive.

Everything had gone smoothly. The Oklahoma Blood Institute (OBI) even made it easier by making the pre-donation questions available online.

One small hiccup, which was my fault, was that my heart-rate was 105 when I got there. I had run up four flights of stairs to go donate in the OSU Student Union's Starlight Terrace. A guy needs exercise, right? I had to sit and wait for a few minutes until my heart slowed down to normal.

The first to add to my To Don't List: When going to give blood, don't run up stairs or you'll have to sit, negating the time you thought you'd saved by getting there quickly.

My next opportunity to learn came when the lovely and talented OBI blood taker person was adjusting the rubber hose thingy that connects the big needle in the vein to the bags that catch the blood. You see, I was joking with the OBI people and just as the gal was getting ready to tape the tubing to my arm, I made her giggle. Not only did she giggle, but she jiggled. The needle. Ouch!

The second thing to add to my To Don't List: After they poke you with the needle, don't crack jokes before all the tubing is secured to your arm.

I hope I remember these things in a couple of months when I'm eligible to donate again.

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