Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Semester is Still Young!

Okay, so here's what happened today...

After my early morning class, I went back to my office to make a few corrections to my syllabi (my students are probably ecstatic that I've decided on office hours so early in the semester!). I made the corrections, saved them to my flash drive, and sent the updates to the department administrative assistant (Bonus! Now that she knows, I'll actually get a sign for my office!). I also posted the syllabi to my two classes that they pertain to.

Next, I thought I'd look up some interesting things to present for my 11:30am class. I teach another section of the same topic on Monday evenings, and with next Monday being MLK Day (no classes), I don't want my 3-days-a-week class to get too far ahead of my Monday-only class.

I found a couple of interesting videos and downloaded them to my flash drive - which I use a lot because I teach in Stillwater and in Tulsa, and I like to have everything with me no matter where I am on a given day.

I also made a "Tip of the Week" short presentation to show the class. Again, saved to the flash drive.

Do you see where this is heading?

By this time I'm pretty pleased with myself, being on top of everything so early in the semester.

Well, 11:15 rolls around and I knew I needed to get to class, but that I needed to make a quick bio-break. No problem. I grabbed my books, my travel mug (Oops! Empty!), and stopped at the restroom before heading down the stairs and across the street to when my class meets.

I got into the classroom early enough, booted up the computer, and went out to fill my travel mug from the water fountain while the computer did its start-up thing.

I got back to the classroom, it's 11:25, and I reach into my pocket for my flash drive.

Flash drive.

Uh, flash drive?

Where is my flash drive?

I checked another pocket - the one where I put my keys after locking the office door. No flash drive.


"Don't go away! I'll be right back," I told the class, still filing in.

I ran down the stairs, out the door, and back across the street to the building which houses my office, along with one of the slowest elevators known to humankind.

I ran upstairs (did I mention my office is on the 4th floor? No? Well, it is), unlocked the door, frantically looked around because the flash drive was not still in the computer, which is where I had it last. Or so I thought.

I started unloading my pockets.

I had cargo pants on.

Many pockets.

I found my flash drive in a pocket that I don't put things in.
Unless, apparently, I'm in a hurry and not paying attention.
Yeah, I had it all along.
I ran back to class, put my flash drive in the classroom computer, and began class.

I showed them the syllabus pertaining to their class, and told them it was also uploaded to the class website.

I showed them the videos.

I showed them the Tip of the Week.

I spoke to them a little bit more about the class, things to expect, and assigned them a reading.

I let them go a little early.

As they were drifting out, one student came up to me.
"I don't know if you know," he said, "but the syllabus you posted for our class is the one for your 8:00 class."
Ah, the semester is still young!

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