Thursday, October 31, 2013

Hallowe'en and the Gremlins!

I was running a bit late this morning and missed the bus (by 3 minutes!) that comes by my place. But I knew the next bus would be along in less than half an hour.

A few minutes before the next bus arrived, I walked up to the stop. But by then, the sky had clouded over and it had cooled off some. I also forgot my phone. So I ran back inside (the bus was nowhere in sight, so I had a chance), grabbed my jacket and found my phone.

My jacket was being obstinate - one sleeve was halfway inside out and the sleeve lining had bunched up. I wrestled with the sleeve as I got out the door...oops! Forgot to lock the apartment. Locked the door and headed back up to the bus stop.

I knew it was going to be close.

It definitely was close - I'd missed the bus by less than a minute!

If I waited for the next bus, I would have been really late. My students are taking their tests online today, but I wanted to be sure to be in my office should something come up.

However, the campus is only a mile, maybe less, from my place, and my office adds a little more to the distance, but I walked it anyway.

The clouds decided to start a slow drizzle, and the non-pavement part of my journey was already wet from last night's rain. Fortunately, the drizzle didn't get much worse, and I made it to the office faster (but wetter) than I would have if I'd waited for the bus.

When I got logged in, I saw the first of the emails with questions about one test. Then another one popped up. Then a reminder that faculty and staff could get their flu shots today if we remember a copy of both sides of our insurance cards (yay! I get to use the quirky copier!) and the filled out form - link attached.

The link went nowhere.

I scrolled through my emails to see if there was another link, or perhaps one with an attached document.

Found it!

And by then, it was too late to get over to the Student Union (the #1 Student Union in the nation, I might add! GO POKES! We're #1 at awesome student unions!) to get the shot.

And now other emails have popped up regarding tests...and quizzes...and why wasn't anyone in class today (from a student who wasn't in class the last time and didn't know that the test was on line).

I've responded to the emails, corrected my mistakes (so far) on the test questions, and since all that stuff has already happened, I'm looking forward to the rest of my day.


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