Monday, April 1, 2013

The Joke's On Me

This past Saturday, at some point, I twisted my back but didn't think anything about it at the time.

A little bit later I walked up a flight of stairs and things got all sparkly, kinda like what would happen at the onset of a migraine I guess, but I'm not prone to migraines. Again, I thought it was no big deal, and I was probably still a little dehydrated from giving blood earlier in the week and then fasting on Good Friday.

Yesterday (Sunday) I noticed the pain in my back. Also, it would occasionally shoot down my leg while walking.  Yep, I must have pinched a nerve.  Been there, done that, and ibuprofen should work.

This morning the pain is still here and now it hurts even when I'm sitting.  More rest and now a hot pack thrown into the mix.

I had plans for April Fool's pranks for others today - not myself!

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