Tuesday, May 8, 2012

For the Birds

   I almost had a pet mockingbird today.
   There is something about me that seems to attract animals. I'm not sure why, but I've always had the knack to befriend creatures of all types - fish, birds, horses, dogs, cats, a wolf, snakes, a squirrel, and the list goes on.
   When I decided to become Catholic, I chose St. Francis of Assisi as my patron saint. I'd seen the movie "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" some years before, and I thought that even though I wasn't as flamboyant and bold as the young Giovanni Francesco di Bernardone (who became Francis of Assisi), I admired how he rebelled against his parents and was able to find spirituality in the simplest things of nature.
   Okay, so I wasn't really all that rebellious, but something about that movie stuck with me. Also, most of my Catholic friends that I met when I was in 7th and 8th grade (I was in public school thru 6th grade, but went to Catholic school for junior high) went to St. Francis of Assisi Church in Oklahoma City. It's an old church (by Oklahoma City standards) and amazing-looking on the inside, especially to the Protestant kid I used to be. My church was "modern." Lots of brass and glass and chrome. Very sterile-looking, as if only spotlessly clean people were allowed in, and only on Sunday mornings.
   I was a Senior in high school when I decided to become Catholic. I went to all the Confirmation classes, examined my conscience to see if this was really what I wanted (one of the few times I've actaully been serious in my life), and finally decided I was ready to complete my conversion. I didn't have to choose a patron saint, although nearly all folks do when they are confirmed. I wavered a bit, because I had considered "John" - my adult sponsor (and former coach) was named John, and his son (Johnny) was a good friend of mine. But the name "Francis" kept popping back into my head.
   I chose Francis of Assisi. I became Catholic. I read more about St. Francis and his connection with nature. On October 4, St. Francis's feast day, many churches (Catholic and Protestant) honor him with a Blessing of the Animals, because Francis believed that all creatures were stewards of God's creation.  
   I think he was right. I have been blessed with the ability to nurture relationships with animals. I've had many pets in my life - cats, dogs, fish, and birds - and I've been able to bond with them, sometimes to the point where they prefer my company over others. I'm always a bit reluctant when someone in my family wants to have their own pet. So far, each acquisition has ended up being my pet (or I've become thier human, whichever way that works). 
   Today, as I sat in the car with my youngest, waiting for the school bus to arrive, a mockingbird flew right up to my open window, fluttered there briefly with its wings patting my arm and shoulder, and then flew off again.
   I like mockingbirds. Maybe I'm due for another new pet. 
   I hope the cat doesn't mind.

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