Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Dream for Today

If I had a million dollars, I'd:
get my dishwasher fixed,
get the electrical problems in the house fixed,
get a lawnmower and mow and mow and mow,
get the car fixed,
get the dryer fixed,
get the house's siding fixed,
rent a truck to haul off the junk that needs to go,
get caught up on all my bills,
pay off the house, or at least get it ready to sell,
find a doctor who will actually listen to and help my wife with her numerous ills,
find a doctor who will actually listen to and help my daughter with her ills,
make sure my family members have the things they need,
and throw a party for all my friends who have stood by me during these troubling times.

And if there was anything left, I'd probably give most of it away to those who need it.

Maybe I dream too much.  But without dreamers, where would the world be?

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