Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Back to the Ol' Drawing Board.

  Yep, another close-but-no-cigar opportunity.  I was depressed for about an hour or two, but I got over it.  The well of optimism keeps bubbling up within me.  And I know that each rejection takes me closer to things more awesome.  On the way, I may have to flip burgers (I worked as a short-order cook for a brief time - I hope that doesn't make me overqualified, LOL), or push empty carts around the Wal Mart parking lot.  But I know I have a lot of people pulling for me to get that elusive sweet and flavorful job that's out there.

  Christmas is going to be weird this year, though.  Unemployment has put me on Santa's "Naughty" list, and he'll skip over us and move on to people who have jobs and/or credit cards.  But that's okay because the true meaning of Christmas is not about who gives and gets the best present, but about a child who was born to change the world at a time it really needed some changes.

  2011 will be better.

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