Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Sad Day

  Yesterday, Elisabeth Sladen died.  If you ever watched the Doctor Who series with Jon Pertwee or Tom Baker or David Tennant as the Doctor, you know who she is.  She played Sarah Jane Smith, one of the companions.
  When I was younger, I first saw Doctor Who on PBS (Channel 13 in Oklahoma City) on Saturday nights.  And the first episodes I saw starred Tom Baker as the Doctor and Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane.  She was cute as a bug's ear, perky, feisty, funny, brave, and I quickly developed a crush on her - even finding reasons to not go out partying on Saturday nights.  She saved me a lot of beer money.
  In the last year or so, she appeared again on Doctor Who.  David Tennant was the Doctor and on one of his many trips to Earth, he managed to run into an older Sarah Jane.  She was still a cute as could be, and I found that my crush hadn't quite gone away.  When the Doctor left her, perhaps (and as turn out definitely) for the last time, he had fixed up K9, the little robot dog who had been along on many of the Sarah Jane and Doctor (Tom Baker) adventures, and left K9 with Sarah.
  My condolences go out to Lis's family.  

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