Monday, January 3, 2011

Where Was Moses When the Lights Went Out?

   In the dark, of course!
   This morning I began a temp gig at the OSU Student Union Bookstore.  Spring semester classes start a week from today.  Today, though, at around 10:15 or so (maybe a little before), the power went out to the temporary building housing the bookstore as the Student Union is getting renovated.  I took the following picture during the outage, before the power came back on roughly an hour and a half later.  I turned my flash off, and tweaked the brightness a bit to get things visible.

   Fortunately, this power failure happened at a slow time.  Most of the faculty and students are gone this week.  Despite the outage, we continued to get ready for the Spring Semester rush, which will really hit in a week.  We'll get busier each day this week as more students come back into town, and next week we'll really be buzzing, especially during the first half of the week.
   I took other pictures today, but this is the one I chose to post to my Flickr account for my yearlong project.  I find it interesting how we tend to take power and energy for granted until it's gone.

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